Revised February, 2013.
The club affairs will be administered by a Committee consisting of:-
Vice President
Club Captain
Social Secretary
A minimum of Ten (10) members – to be nominated and elected to:-
Social Committee – 4
Trophy Committee – 2
Match Committee – 4
Publicity Officer – 1
A Minutes Secretary and Collector of Subscriptions may be elected to assist if required.
Two (2) Auditors will be elected to examine the books of account at least once each financial year.
All positions are to be declared vacant at the end of each golf year and election for all positions will take place at an Annual General Meeting of the Golf Club. Nominations will be accepted up to the time of the election.
Any outgoing committee members must continue in their roles until the last day of the current calendar year and all newly elected committee members will commence their roles from the first day of the new calendar year.
The election of all members of the Committee must be sanctioned by the Board of Directors.
Secretary: To record the minutes of all meetings (in the event of a minute secretary being elected he will carry out this function). To ensure the rules of the Club are carried out at all times. To put into effect any matters passed for action at Club meetings.
Treasurer: To receive and account for all moneys incoming to the Club and pay all accounts authorised for payment. To record income and expenditure in a manner which will reveal the actual financial position of the Club at any time and will enable an audit to be carried out when required.
Club Captain: Chairman of the Match Committee.
Lead and give guidance at and about, golfing events.
Social Secretary: Chairman of the Social Committee, Organise and give guidance on social aspects within the Golf Club.
Handicapper: A member of the match committee. To allot and adjust handicaps of all members in accordance with the system of handicapping approved by the club.
To maintain records of members scores for each Competition Match. To ensure handicap board is up to date immediately prior to each golf day.
Social Committee: To organise all social functions and social aspects of golfing events.
Trophy Committee: To obtain trophies and golf balls and have them available for presentation at golf days. Organise and ensure availability of trophies to be presented at Golf Club presentation evenings.
Match Committee: Conduct all golfing events. Resolve all disputes. Check all competition cards and nominate event winners. Arrange the year’s golf fixtures and sequence of events. Select all representative teams.
A General Meeting will be held on the first Monday of every month and the December meeting will be the Annual General Meeting.
The elected Committees will meet as required after each member has had due and timely notice.
Quorum: General Meetings – Five (5), which must include three members of the Administrative Committee. Committee meetings – Three (3).
Adult: All members must be financial male members of the parent body or junior member who have turned 18 years of age and have applied for membership of the parent body. Any member (Golf Club) who is not a member or has not maintained membership of the parent body ( Revesby Workers’ Club ) will not be eligible to participate in any championship events.
Junior: Members must be male not less than 14 years and under 18 years of age. Members must be nominated by a financial member of the Revesby Workers Club. Acceptance is dependent upon the recommendation of the Committee and approval of the Board of Directors.
From the first match in January to the last match in December, both matches inclusive.
From the first day of January to the 31st day of December.
No change will be made to this Constitution unless 21 days notice of motion is given in writing to the Secretary and unless the motion is carried by simple majority when put to members at the first available general meeting.
(a) The joining fee is as follows:- $40.00 and includes a club shirt.
(b) Any junior in receipt of the Minimum Adult Wage is required to pay the adult joining fee.
(a) The annual subscription is as follows:- $15.00
Any junior in receipt of the Minimum Adult Wage is required to pay the adult subscription.
(b) Financial members of the Golf Club who have had five years continuous membership immediately prior to reaching the retiring age of 65 years will upon retirement from employment be exempt from paying the full annual subscription. The annual subscription for members who qualify under this clause will be an amount set by the committee.
(c) Life members are exempt from the payment of annual subscriptions.
(d) Annual subscriptions due for payment in advance and should be paid by the 31st December for the following year. Membership will lapse if not made in full by 31st March immediately following the due date.
Fees for golf days and social events will be determined by the Committee and ratified at a general meeting.
(a) Members between the age of 65 years and 70 years are eligible to receive a discount of $5.00 at regular club events ( special events will be at the discretion of the committee).
(b) Members over the age of 70 years are eligible to receive a discount of $10.00 at regular club events ( special events will be at the discretion of the committee).
(a) All matches will be played in accordance with the rules of golf as approved by the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews.
(b) Local rules must be observed at all times.
(c) It is the responsibility of every member to make himself conversant with the rules of golf and to read local rules before hitting off in each competition game.
(d) Ignorance of rules will not be accepted as an excuse for contravention.
(e) Any player observed infringing the rules or reported for infringement will be dealt with by the Match Committee.
(f) It is the responsibility of every player to ensure that his correct handicap is shown on his card: his card is correctly marked and that any alteration is initialled before signing and handing in. The lowest handicapped player in the group will accept responsibility for collecting and handing in cards for the group immediately after play finishes.
(g) Any infringement of rules, incorrect handicap or wrongly marked card could lead to disqualification and any such penalty imposed by the Match Committee will be final and not subject to appeal.
(h) All single competition events, excluding annual events unless otherwise nominated herein will be played in three grades – “A”, “B” and “C” grades.
(i) A two ball best ball stableford Major Championship off handicap, will be played over 36 holes in the first half of each golf year. Players starting handicaps will remain unchanged for the duration of the championship.
(j) A single match play Championship off handicap will be played in the first half of each Golf year. Handicaps can change during this event.
The 16 highest scores in the previous points score competition will qualify to participate in this competition. Should a member not be able to play in the entire competition, he should out of common courtesy vacate his position in the field allowing for a reserve to take his place.
(k) An Eclectic progressive stableford event off handicap will be played over 18 (eighteen) events during the Golf year. The events and hole indexes for each event to be decided by the Match Committee.
(l) A ‘Major’club championship will be played over 72 holes (4 rounds) stroke play. The championship will be decided by the lowest aggregate score in relation to par of the course over the best 3 (three) rounds. This competition is to be played off scratch in three grades – “A”, “B” and “C”. Players starting handicaps will remain unchanged for the duration of the championship.
(m) A fourball match play Championship Off handicap will be played in the second half of each Golf year. The 16 highest scoring pairs in the previous two ball best ball stableford Championship will qualify to participate in this competition. Handicaps can change during this ‘Minor championship’.
(n) The President’s Cup, a Singles event, will be played in the second half of the Golf year.
(o) A birdie competition will be conducted in the each Golf year. The competition will be conducted in three grades – “A”, “B” and “C”.
(p) A points score will be held on all competition events played during the Golf year. Points will be allocated as follows:-
Attendance……………………….3pts – (Awarded for supporting the club by attending and paying full fee for an event and with no restrictions regarding number of holes played)
Win (No count back)…………..3pts – (Single or team events)
Second (No count back)………2pts – (Single or team events)
Third (No count back)………..1pt – Single or team events)
Below par round……………….2pts – (Individual score in all events)
Par round…………………………1pt – (Individual score in all events)
(q) The last Golf Day of the Golfing year will not be regarded as a competition event for annual competitions. Therefore, all annual Golf events will be finalised on or before the second last Golf day of the Golfing year.
(r) A special trophy will be awarded to any member scoring a “Hole in One” or “three birdies” in successive holes during a competition round.
(s) New members cannot participate for any handicap trophies until after playing three competition matches as members and cannot participate in a club championship event until participating in six competition matches as members.
(t) To qualify to participate in a club championship event, a member must attend at least two of the 6 games immediately prior to the commencement of that championship.
(u) Two starters will be nominated by the Match Committee for each competition match. The order on the tee will be nominated by the Committee where desirable or left to the starters to arrange.
(v) Each player must be on the tee ready to hit off at least 15 minutes prior to his nominated starting time.
(w) The starters will ensure that each player is financial before hitting off. Any un-financial member cannot participate in the competition.
Players must be attired in the club uniform at all times and should also check the dress regulations of the respective golf clubs. Remember slow play is selfish play. If you fall behind in the field and are holding up play, call oncoming players through.
(a) For 18 hole events, the best 2nd nine holes will decide the count back winner. If still equal, the winner will be decided on the best last six holes. If still equal, the best middle six holes. If still equal, the winner will be counted back hole for hole in order starting from the 18th hole.
(b) For events extending over more than 18 holes competition (excluding points score) the winner will not be decided on a count back. Match play events will continue to play extra holes until a result is obtained. With other events, those competitors who are equal leaders at the scheduled end of the competition will continue the competition, at a date to be decided by the Match Committee, for further 18 holes as necessary, to establish an outright winner. The same basis will apply where there is a tie for a minor placing.
(c) For the point score event, a count back will be applied to those competitors who are equal leaders at the scheduled end of the competition as follows:-
The competitor with the highest attendance points during the Golf year will be declared the winner. Should two or more competitors still be equal, the player scoring the highest total points over the last six matches will be declared the winner. If two or more players are still equal, the points will be counted back event for event starting from the last day’s play.
(a) A provisional handicap will be allotted to new members after three cards have been submitted. No score of more than three over par or any one hole is to be considered when making the assessment.(b) A provisional handicap will not exceed 24.
(c) A provisional handicap will not be extended until after five games as a member.
(d) Members handicaps will be adjusted by the following method:-
(i) Divide handicaps into three categories – A, B and C grade.
(ii) The handicap range for each category will be at the handicappers discretion and can change if a motion is carried by simple majority when put to members at a general meeting.
(iii) If a player plays to his handicap (CCR) no adjustment is made.
(iv) If a player does NOT play to his handicap (CCR) his handicap will be increased by an amount determined by the category of his handicap (see (VI) below) but not determined by the extend by which he was above his handicap.
(v) If a player plays below his handicap (CCR) he will be reduced by an amount per stroke that he was below his handicap. The amount per stroke as determined by the category of his handicap (see (vii below).
(vi) For affecting handicap adjustments the ‘Calculated Course Rating’ (CCR) of the day will be used. This rating will be determined by the Handicapper.
(vii) Revesby Workers Men’s Golf Club – Handicap Adjustments
Updated: 6th of December, 2021 by S.Vaughn
- CCR Calculation
The CCR for all rounds is 36 pts or par for the course.
- Adjustments
All handicaps are adjusted from the CCR from single scores of stableford or net stroke only. If the member fails to complete a round, his handicap will not change.
Handicap | Shots multiplied by how many above the CCR |
0 to 4 | 0.1 x above CCR |
5 to 12 | 0.2 |
13 to 19 | 0.3 |
20 to 26 | 0.4 |
27 and above | 0.5 |
Example 1: The CCR is 38. The player is off a handicap of 20.0. He scores 40 points. He has broken the CCR by 2. Therefore…. 0.4 x 2 = 0.8. New handicap is 20.0 – 0.8 = 19.2 rounded to 19.
- Buffer Zone
The Buffer Zone is in place of 2 shots or points from the CCR. The Buffer Zone cannot be greater than 36 points or net par.
When a member has a score of 3 or more worse than the CCR, he is outside the Buffer Zone and will receive 0.3 back on his handicap except if his score is 36 or net par and above. There is no grading on handicaps and no limit how low the score. When the member is on the CCR, 1 or 2 below the CCR, his handicap will remain the same.
Example 2: The CCR is 39. The player has a score of 36. He is below the CCR by 3 but still inside the Buffer Zone because it cannot be lower than 36. The player’s handicap does not change.
Example 3: The CCR is 37. The player is off a handicap of 15.3. He scores 31 points. His score is worse than the CCR by 6 points and is outside of the Buffer Zone. Therefore…. New handicap is 15.3 + 0.3 = 15.6 rounded to 16.
Visitors: Visitors must be nominated by a member of the Golf Club and that member will be responsible for the visitor’s conduct and fees. The attendance of visitors will be at the discretion of the Committee.
Trophies: The trophy for winners of club championships and the points score competition will be a club blazer. Any winner who already has a club blazer may elect to receive a pocket for inclusion on that blazer and a trophy suitable for the occasion as determined by the Trophy Committee.
Green Fees: Any member who has nominated to attend any golf day and his name is on the starting sheet on the Thursday evening prior to the golf day may be liable for payment of his green fees.
Social Media: The Whats App media platform is strictly for event bookings and communication by our committees to the members. It is not to be used as a chat line or for the posting of obscenities or things that members might find amusing. Members that continue to post unauthorised content will be removed from the platform.
Amendment to Rules: No change will be made to these rules unless 21 days notice of motion is given in writing to the Secretary and unless the motion is carried by simple majority when put to members at the first available General Meeting.
Dispute Resolution Policy:
At Revesby Workers’ Men’s Golf Club, we strive to maintain a welcoming and harmonious environment for all our members and guests. However, we recognize that disputes may occasionally arise. This Dispute Resolution Policy outlines the procedures for addressing and resolving disputes in a fair, transparent, and efficient manner.
- Scope
This policy applies to all members and guests of Revesby Workers’ Men’s Golf Club.
- Types of Disputes Covered
Disputes covered under this policy may include, but are not limited to:
- Membership-related issues
- Course etiquette and behaviour
- Facility usage
- Tournament rules and outcomes
- Any other matters pertaining to the operations or activities of Revesby Workers’ Men’s Golf Club.
- Informal Resolution
We encourage individuals involved in a dispute to first attempt to resolve it informally. This may involve direct communication between the parties involved or seeking assistance from a club committee member. Informal resolution is often the quickest and most effective way to address minor disputes.
- Formal Resolution Process
If informal resolution attempts are unsuccessful or if the dispute is of a more serious nature, the following formal resolution process will be followed:
- Step 1: Submission of Formal Complaint
- The individual wishing to initiate the formal resolution process must table at a general meeting or submit a written complaint, outlining the nature of the dispute to the Club President or relevant committee.
- Step 2: Investigation
- Upon receipt of the complaint, the relevant Committee will conduct a thorough and impartial investigation into the matter. This may involve gathering additional information, interviewing relevant parties, and reviewing any applicable club policies or regulations.
- Step 3: Resolution
- Before disciplinary action is taken against a member, the Committee must give written notice to the member-
(i)Stating that the Club proposes to take disciplinary action against the Member; and
(ii)Stating the grounds for the proposed disciplinary action; and
(iii)Specifying the date, place and time of the meeting at which the Disciplinary Panel intends to consider the disciplinary action and advising the Member that they may do one or both of the following: –
(i) Attend the Disciplinary Meeting and address the Disciplinary Panel at that meeting; the member is permitted to invite a support person to act as a silent non-participative observer.
(ii) Provide a written statement to the Disciplinary Panel at any time before the Disciplinary Meeting.
- The notice must be given no earlier than 14 days, and no later than 7 days, before the Disciplinary Meeting is held.
- Decision of Disciplinary Panel at the Disciplinary Meeting, the Disciplinary Panel must: –
(i) Give the Member an opportunity to be heard; and
(ii) Consider any written statement submitted by the Member.
- The Disciplinary Meeting can be held in the members absence should the member be unable or fail to appear.
- Following the Disciplinary Meeting, the Disciplinary Panel may: –
(i) Take no further action against the Member; or
(ii) (iii) (iv) Reprimand the Member; or suspend the membership rights of the Member for a specified period; or expel the Member from the Club
- The suspension of membership rights or the expulsion of a Member by the Disciplinary Panel under this Policy takes effect immediately after the vote is passed. A Member expelled under this rule shall forfeit all right in and claim upon the Club and its property.
- Confidentiality
All parties involved in the dispute resolution process are expected to maintain confidentiality to the extent possible. This includes keeping discussions, documents, and any other information related to the dispute confidential, unless otherwise required by the relevant committee.
- Non-Retaliation
Revesby Workers’ Men’s Golf Club prohibits retaliation against any individual involved in the dispute resolution process. This includes, but is not limited to, retaliation against individuals who file complaints, participate in investigations, or exercise their rights under this policy.
- Compliance
All members and guests of Revesby Workers’ Men’s Golf Club are expected to comply with this Dispute Resolution Policy. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of membership.
- Review and Updates
This policy will be reviewed periodically to ensure its effectiveness and relevance. Updates may be made as necessary to reflect changes in club operations, regulations, or best practices.
Revesby Workers’ Men’s Golf Club is committed to resolving disputes in a fair, transparent, and timely manner, in accordance with this Dispute Resolution Policy. By adhering to these procedures, we aim to promote a positive and respectful environment for all members and guests.