
Archives By Year

27-Nov-2016: Bankstown GC – OAKDALE CHALLENGE - 2BBB

Trophy presented to Oakdale

A cloudy late Spring morning greeted forty six (46) players from Revesby Workers (27) and Oakdale Workers (19) to the annual 2 Ball-Better-Ball (2BBB) Challenge match at Revesby’s home turf, Bankstown Golf Course.

The total of each club’s 2BBB scores will determine the Challenge winner, however, in the event […]

20-NOV-2016: Riverside Oaks Golf Resort – Presidents Cup – Single Stableford


Thirty four inquisitive and enthusiastic Revesby golfers trekked sixty-odd kilometres north of Sydney to the new Bungool course at Riverside Oaks Golf Resort to compete in the annual Revesby President’s Cup, a single stableford event.

After opening nine holes in 2014, the new 18 hole course, which serpentines […]


2017 Cypress Lakes Tour-Itinerary

Cypress Lakes Resort – Cnr McDonalds & Thompsons Roads, Pokolbin, NSW, 2320

Date: 19-21 May, 2017.

Prize money: Approx $3500.00

Accommodation: Quad share in 10 x 2 bedroom villas.

Breakfast: Saturday & Sunday from 7am in the Bodega Restaurant.

Golf: Golf is 18 holes including carts.

The Tournament

The tour championship […]

13-NOV-2016: Glenmore Heritage Valley GC – International Cup - Single Stableford

2016 International Cup winners- “THE INTERNATIONALS”

W.T.F. !

America has just voted for a new President whose future policies may have a big impact on the way we play golf 🙁

Here we are today, playing with trepidation for our country of origin in the Aussies versus Aliens (aka Internationals) Challenge Cup.

Will […]

30-OCT-2016: Gungahlin GC – Canberra Challenge - 2 Man Ambrose

After convincingly taking out the Metalcorp Cup last year at Mollymook (Hilltop) Golf Course (GC), a large contingent of twenty five Revesby Workers’ golfers transported their way to Canberra early Saturday morning in preparation to defend the Cup against Canberra Labor Club at Gungahlin GC on Sunday morning.

Revesby’s preparation was based on the […]