
Archives By Year

Handicap Adjustment Rules

For the interest of members who may not be familiar with how handicaps are calculated, our Handicapper S.Suzor has provided a copy of the rules to make the process clear for everyone.

Revesby Workers Men’s Golf Club – Handicap Adjustments

Updated: 27 May 2015 by S. Suzor


CCR Calculation

The CCR is calculated […]

24-May-2015: Antill Park GC – 2Ball Aggregate


After the long trek to Cypress Lakes the week before, the 75 kilometre journey to the picturesque Antill Park golf course must have seemed a short jog for the twenty one Revesby golf-aholics that showed up.

The hardest part of the journey was getting out of the car to unpack […]


With 27 players arriving early on Friday morning to play golf and another four players showing up later in the afternoon, all eyes were on the course to see how much damage the recent storms had made.

To everyone’s relief, the course looked in terrific condition, with only uprooted trees along the perimeter of the […]

10-May-2015: Bankstown GC Single Stableford & Last Man Standing Final


Well, the scribe is back after an extended absence with the dreaded flu. Many thanks to Johnny V for ghost writing on my behalf, I’ll send him the cheque via Australia Post, so good luck to him if he ever receives it 🙂

Seems I couldn’t have picked a more perfect […]