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After many months of planning, the time had arrived to embark on our journey to Mollymook for the annual grudge match against the Canberra Labour Club boys. This event has been running now for over 50 years and has only been interrupted for about 5 years due to Covid-19 and bad weather.
Last year at Yass golf club, Canberra won it’s first challenge in around 10 attempts which had some of the Revesby crew calling for some drug testing. So this year the Revesby boys were intent on giving the opposition a good whipping.
23 Revesby players started making their way to Mollymook on Saturday morning. Some elected to drive, while the rest were on the big bus hired and driven by the VP Rossco Hamer. The bus left at 8.00am and we arrived at our accommodation in time for Pete Davis to take over the bus driving duty take 15 players to Batemans Bay for the customary warm up game at Catalina Country Club while the remainder of the group headed straight to the Ulladulla Ex Servos Club for a few drinks with the Canberra boys.
Catalina GC was in immaculate condition and the winners of the 2BBB were Santo Sammarco & Mick McCarney on a countback from John Varrica and Joy Mesuria.
After a few drinks it was on the bus again for Pete to drive us back to Mollymook to check in and ready ourselves for some food and banter at the club.
After a few hours of fun at the club, the boys tucked themselves into bed at the Harbour View apartments for some much needed rest for the battle the morning.
After a brief breakfast stop at Maccas, the bus ferried the group to Mollymook Gc where the two groups were given the rules of the day by our organiser, Michael Kabalan.
The first group hit off from the 10thhole at 7.00am and the event was off and running.
Mollymook Gc was in picture perfect condition with lush fairways and quick greens. Play was from the White plates which should not have suited Canberra as the course played longer and tougher for these high handicapped players.
Once the last group had finished play, the two groups headed off to Mollymook Beach Bowling and Recreation Club for the all-important presentation lunch.
The food and service at the club was amazing and the free drinks made it all the better.
The 2 tour Captains, Michael Kabalan & Les Brown started the presentation by welcoming everyone to the event and the proceeded with the all-important results which would determine the winners of this year’s challenge.
For the second year in a row, the handicap mountain was too much to climb for Revesby and, Canberra were declared the winners by 6.5 matches to 4.5 matches.
Congratulations to Canberra Labour Club for their great win and, commiserations to our boys who fought very hard but just fell short in the end.
I think that I can say that everyone from both sides had a great time. The camaraderie between the two clubs is always spectacular and our group chemistry is the best it has ever been.
On a sad note, it was unfortunate that Steve Vaughn fell ill during the trip and ended up in hospital. Both he and Claude Poletti had to pull out of the event because of the situation and they were both greatly missed. I am happy to report that Steve is much better and should be at our next event at Wollongong GC.
We would like to thank Michael Kabalan for his meticulous planning of this event which made it such a success. Also, many thanks to our drivers Rossco Hamer and Pete Davis for organising the bus and for getting us around promptly and safely during the weekend and, to the other committee members that contributed towards the event.
All of the results are attached and if you would like to see some pictures, please ask to join our facebook page or visit our website
Until next year
The Prez.

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